Comments Rating Link
Thank you for buying from Wunderwelt again! Great buyer!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (04/25/16) h.NAOTO JSK set (3 items) 04/25/16
Thank you for buying from Wunderwelt again! Great buyer!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (04/25/16) L-0014 ALICE and the PIRATES accessory set 04/25/16
Great buyer! Thank you! :)
- Adelia (Seller)
Positive (04/04/16) Carolyne Blouse 04/04/16
Great transaction, thank you very much!
- wunderwelt (Seller)
Positive (04/04/16) Victorian Maiden Cameo Necklace & Earring set 04/04/16
Very fast. Easy to communicate.
- iris_tio2 (Seller)
Positive (03/12/16) Angelic Pretty Castle Mirage (dress + bonnet) set in sax 03/12/16
Great Buyer! Very Quick
- Anderburg (Seller)
Positive (03/13/15) BTSSB: Bunny Ear Cardigan 03/13/15