Comments Rating Link
Excellent buyer! Fast payment, friendly and quick communication. Thank you very much!
- hide-vi (Seller)
Positive (11/21/17) Atelier Pierrot Off-shoulder Shirring OP NWT 11/21/17
Excellent buyer! Fast payment, friendly and quick communication. Thank you very much!
- hide-vi (Seller)
Positive (11/21/17) Atelier Pierrot Long Bustle JSK 11/21/17
Thank you my first buyer! Really helped me a lot to figure out how this web work. I am glad you love the dress! (((o(*゚▽゚*)o)))
- donut121 (Seller)
Positive (11/16/17) Ap Romantic cat mint jsk sale 11/16/17
Thank you!
- Hanayoku (Seller)
Positive (11/15/17) FREE SHIPPING White chiffon adjustable petticoat 11/15/17
Excellent buyer! :)
- ZaziWhite (Seller)
Positive (11/15/17) Angelic Pretty Rose Museum tights 11/15/17
Great buyer. Quick payment. Easy transaction. Thanks!
- seraphinelysion (Seller)
Positive (10/09/17) White Angel Wings with 3 Layer Tulle Train 10/09/17
Thank you for buying. Communication has been good (most of it via facebook), she paid quickly.
- Kaguhana (Seller)
Positive (10/02/17) AatP Wicked Queen's Blouse 10/02/17
Good communication & overall smooth transaction! Would recommend!
- Psykogirl65 (Seller)
Positive (09/22/17) Milky Rail Train Johan Frill pants 09/22/17
Fast payment, very communicative, excellent buyer! Thank you :)
- ecaillesdelune (Seller)
Positive (09/19/17) Pink and purple star constellation print tights 09/19/17
Fast payment and replies. Excellent buyer in every way. Thank you very much! :)
- tsukiei (Seller)
Positive (09/17/17) MoMo Bear Striped Rainbow Candy OP 2017 + Head Bow + Hair Clips + Wrist Cuffs Set in LAVENDER 09/17/17
A friendly buyer with great communication and prompt payment. Thank you!
- ecchibat (Seller)
Positive (09/14/17) Lockshop Cascade Lilac Fade Long Wavy Purple Ombre Wig NWT 09/14/17
Quick and polite communication, very pleasant to sell to :)
- Ori_Bat126 (Seller)
Positive (08/26/17) Psyche Beast Bones JSK 08/26/17
Buyer is very nice, payment was fast and she found time to let me know when item arrived! Recommended!
- LatteGalaxy (Seller)
Positive (08/16/17) PEPPERMINTFOX Violet Water Bottle Brooch 08/16/17
Fast payment, friendly seller. Thank you very much!
- ecaillesdelune (Seller)
Positive (08/01/17) Angelic Pretty Rose Museum Tights in Lavender 08/01/17
Quick payment and easy communication. Would sell to again!
- honeycake (Seller)
Positive (07/26/17) To Alice Chiffon Angel White Bolero 07/26/17
Greater buyer, thank you!
- yllsa (Seller)
Positive (06/30/17) Innocent World Mary Bell OP in Sax 06/30/17
Excellent seller, extremely fast response times and was very kind to hold it for me, I was a bit worried about shipping without tracking due to a past experience. But the item arrived in one week, and was packaged wonderfully and safely. Highly recommend this seller.
- RisseTensai (Buyer)
Positive (06/08/17) [ON HOLD] ~Mystery in the Baker Street~ JSK 06/08/17
Wonderful buyer! Good communication and quick payment! Thank you <3
- Kiracatlover (Seller)
Positive (05/09/17) Eat Me Ink Me Midnight Rhapsody short JSK 05/09/17
Great seller, would buy from again
- Cheralla (Buyer)
Positive (04/14/17) NWT Shadow Dream Carnival JSK - Sax 04/14/17
Great buyer, smooth transaction. Thank you!
- PastelUsagi (Seller)
Positive (04/12/17) Mint Flare Bolero 04/12/17