Comments Rating Link
Fast payment, very friendly. I would recommend this buyer, thank you so much!
- ecaillesdelune (Seller)
Positive (09/30/20) Black and Gold or Silver Constellation Print Tights 09/30/20
Thank you!
- Galactoid (Seller)
Positive (09/30/20) Sweet Mildred Ivory Floral Headband 09/30/20
great buyer, would work with again :) thank you! ☘️✨
- CloverPrincess (Seller)
Positive (09/22/20) Navy double bow headband with pearls 09/22/20
great buyer, would work with again :) thank you! ☘️✨
- CloverPrincess (Seller)
Positive (09/22/20) Poseidon Jasmine OP or JSK L size - celestial ocean theme 09/22/20
Very pleasant to work with, quick and informative.
- Mandi-Mouse (Seller)
Positive (09/05/20) 32"-38" skirt, plus size 09/05/20