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Sale was smooth and quick. Would sell to chocodere again.
- terebinth (Seller)
Positive (10/29/16) IW Pearskin Dot Lace Head Bow in red (NWOT) 10/29/16
Non-paying buyer.
- Luthienross (Seller)
Negative (09/27/16) Innocent World's Annette Skirt (short) 09/27/16
Had to cancel this sale. No communication after invoice was sent - either thru Lacemarket or email. No payment.
- Yordana (Seller)
Negative (09/06/16) BODYLINE Shoes (OFF-WHITE) 09/06/16
Buyer was extremely hard to get in contact with, and provided the wrong paypal with her lacemarket account. Spent 3 days waiting upon payment, to then get told I have the wrong paypal account, then takes another 4 days for her to finish payment, after I made 2 seperate invoices. Over all, I will rate the transaction as neutral, considering she did end up paying, instead of backing out like most could have. Will consider selling to again after she has built up some better feedback.
- ahnubisrahnei (Seller)
Neutral (09/04/16) Alegria Plum Shoes Euro 38 US 8-8.5-- Discounted ^^ 09/04/16
I hate leaving negative feedback, but this person never paid their invoice, even with reminding over the course of a whole week. They stopped responding to my messages. Transaction was never completed. Deadbeat buyer, would not recommend.
- bombdoll (Seller)
Negative (08/27/16) Bodyline Shoes Black sz 24 08/27/16
NICE BUYER and I'm happy to have business with her~
- cchoney233233 (Seller)
Positive (08/25/16) BABYFlorence’s Medicine Chest Rosalind JSK and Headbow SET 08/25/16