Comments Rating Link
Nice buyer with prompt communication. I sold them two items. Thank you very much! :)
- Luthienross (Seller)
Positive (12/05/24) *Reserved* EE Plus Size Friendly Pirate Cat JSK + Necklace 12/05/24
Nice buyer with prompt communication. I sold them two items. Thank you very much! :)
- Luthienross (Seller)
Positive (12/05/24) *Reserved* Plus Size Handmade Christmas JSK + Accessories 12/05/24
Timely payment and overall provided an easy transaction. Thanks!
- ashbee (Seller)
Positive (11/19/24) Enchantlic Enchantilly Flocked Floral OP 11/19/24
Lovely buyer! swift payment, thank youu!
- fruitjelly (Seller)
Positive (10/19/24) (NWT) Angelic Pretty Honey Cake Bear Ring & Necklace set 10/19/24
Buyer paid quickly, would recommend, thank you!
- spongebob (Seller)
Positive (09/19/24) Bundle listing for ShiroShiro_Neko 09/19/24
Thank you so much for your purchase. :)
- Gemgem87 (Seller)
Positive (09/09/24) Enchantlic Enchantilly Queen Cat Portraits Purse 09/09/24