Comments Rating Link
Buyer was super responsive and communicative throughout the process, and paid super quickly then updated me when the item arrived <3 Thank you so much!!
- bloodthjrsty (Seller)
Positive (12/11/24) NWT Magic Tea Party - Hanabi Festival in LARGE - Empire Waist 12/11/24
Great buyer, quick payment and good communication. Thank you!
- yukkachi (Seller)
Positive (07/06/24) Pumpkin Cat ~ The Undomiel Twilight Blouse 07/06/24
A great buyer! Thank you so much for your purchase
- acutebird (Seller)
Positive (05/11/21) Song in the Moonlight Hanayome FULL SET 05/11/21
Excellent buyer! Paid in time and great communication!
- CaOlypso (Seller)
Positive (03/11/21) Black and Green Plague doctor JSK OP 03/11/21