Comments Rating Link
paid quickly, good buyer !
- cutiestrawberry (Seller)
Positive (03/10/25) baby the stars shine bright old school 2010 juliena frill cutsew 03/10/25
Fast payment and great communication. Thank you for shopping :)
- Nielien (Seller)
Positive (02/25/25) Cornet - Full Shirring Blouse (Old School) 02/25/25
OMG this was my dream bag!! I’m so happy to have found it. Thank you so much :,) she’s in perfect condition, was packaged very very nicely, and the shipping was super fast! I would recommend this seller <3
- Deadgrl (Buyer)
Positive (01/08/25) Pink x Sax Milky Pony Bag (2011) 01/08/25
Thank you
- HeartCatch (Seller)
Positive (12/21/24) Vintage Spank! Ice Cream bag 12/21/24
Wonderful buyer, thanks so much :)
- Dearlyvalentine (Seller)
Positive (11/30/24) Emily temple cute biscuit cutsew 11/30/24
Very kind buyer, was patient with the shipping times when I had to go out of town for a few days. Paid quickly and had good communication as well. Thanks so much! :)
- eggfairy (Seller)
Positive (09/03/24) Polka Dot Color Scheme Raglan Parka Lavender 09/03/24
Thank you for a pleasant transaction :D
- Yvonna (Seller)
Positive (08/06/24) Melty Chocolate Mini Sleeve OP in black x pink 08/06/24
Perfect buyer, thank you so much and enjoy!
- byoku (Seller)
Positive (07/15/24) AP ~ Melty Cake Mini Hat ~ Pink x Brown 07/15/24