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Comments Rating Link
Very nice buyer! Smooth transaction and good communication:) glad the package arrived safely finally! It was scary:…..)
- Kliollkilo (Seller)
Positive (09/22/24) old school pink skirt 09/22/24
Incredibly sweet buyer! Asked to split set before bidding which is greatly appreciated. Thank you so much! :)
- Cinnamon Soraka (Seller)
Positive (09/20/23) [Reserved] for offtodreamland 09/20/23
lovely buyer, quick payment, thank you for your purchase!
- fruitjelly (Seller)
Positive (10/19/22) (NWT) Pullip Nanachan doll ( Japan) 10/19/22
Thank U & enjoy!
- sugarlollipop (Seller)
Positive (09/15/22) Reserved Baby, the stars shine bright: Usa kumya Headband free shipping 09/15/22
Thank you for your purchase. Payment went smoothly. I hope you enjoy the necklace! :)
- Kimmy117 (Seller)
Positive (09/13/22) *URGENT SALE* Angelic Pretty BUNNY TOY Necklace 09/13/22
Very cute buyer haha ;) love you!!
- Kliollkilo (Seller)
Positive (08/05/22) Honey honey Lolita Doll and Bear Dance Series Skirt 08/05/22