Comments Rating Link
Lovely buyer, happy to sell to again :)
- fawny (Seller)
Positive (04/04/23) Pink Mary Jane Shoes 27cm 04/04/23
A+ buyer!
- Amaiangel (Seller)
Positive (09/08/22) Pink Sale! BTSSB Cherry Bouquet jsk/kc 09/08/22
thank you!! (*ยดโ–ฝ`*)๐Ÿ€
- CloverPrincess (Seller)
Positive (08/24/22) Pink ribbon stripe OTKs 08/24/22
super sweet and understanding buyer <3
- twinklejewelparty (Seller)
Positive (06/09/22) NWOT Bunny Heart Pochette & Matching Ears KC Headband 06/09/22
Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (04/24/22) Bodyline Blue and White Rose Pattern Cut Lace Ribbon Headdress (Acc964) NWOT 04/24/22
buyer was fast in payment and everything went well!
- jackthechipoo (Seller)
Positive (11/01/21) pink bear jsk 11/01/21
The buyer's communication was clear and friendly, and the invoice was paid quickly. Thank you for a pleasant transaction.
- cherry_sp (Seller)
Positive (10/18/21) Bodyline White and Cold White Frill Drawers Bloomers (pan028) Size M NWT 10/18/21
Great buyer! Paid quickly! Thanks so much!
- Haezeh (Seller)
Positive (09/17/21) Miss Point ~ Vintage Style Lotus Lace Blouse White 09/17/21
Lovely buyer. Very good communication and paid right away! Thank you!! :3
- Ruhiaharu (Seller)
Positive (09/14/21) NWOT Infanta Bunny picnic Jsk in Blue size L 09/14/21