Comments Rating Link
did not contact/read TOS before purchasing,asked for shipping to another address instead of the paypal address and eventually did not purchase it. otherwise very polite.
- Fijihero (Seller)
Negative (01/12/21) Strawberry Bunny-Chan Parka Angelic pretty 01/12/21
perfect buyer thanks!
- sorori (Seller)
Positive (01/10/21) angelic pretty assorted cookie jsk 01/10/21
I'm glad you received your skirt. Thank you for your prompt payment.
- Lexi_del_grae (Seller)
Positive (01/02/21) Wonder Tripp tartan skirt by Angelic Pretty 2009 01/02/21
The buyer needed the dress to be shipped to a friend in the US and it worked out totally fine! Would sell to again!
- Honeybun-chan (Seller)
Positive (01/01/21) Angelic Pretty Sweet Kuma-chan JSK Pink 01/01/21